Business Funding
Before raising funds, It is critical for a business to have a clear idea of the amount it needs and a strategy to raise it. Raising money is not something that happens only once! So, it is essential to approach it with a detailed plan for subsequent funding.
We study the business and its funding requirements and suggest the best funding options. We also prepare several funding alternatives and scenarios, such as raising unsecured funds like CGTMSE, working capital financing, refinancing existing facilities or arranging equity funding to support growth and acquisitions, before deciding on the funding source.
We also help MSMEs and SMEs raise funds through IPO.
PreFunding Prework
Management & Government Audit
Assessment of Business & Revenue Model
Market & Scalability Assessment
Analysis of Financials
Preparation of Business Plan, Project Report & Pitch Deck
Compilation of Documents and building the funding proposal.
Pre-IPO Fund Raising
Facilitating investments in pre-IPO shares
Finding a marketplace platform where unlisted shares can be traded
Valuation and pricing guidance
Connecting with potential investors
Advisory and consultation services
Pitching to the fund
Elevator Pitch
Presentation and Query handling
Negotiating the term – amount, collateral, interest in case of debt
Equity dilution in case of Equity Funding
Getting the business rated by a Reputed Agency
SME IPO Fund Raising
Assessment and advisory
Preparation for IPO
Regulatory compliance and filings
Identifying and collaborating with intermediaries
Marketing and investor outreach
Pricing strategy
Ongoing support and post-IPO services
Post Funding
Governance & Compliance Monitoring
Setting up Governance & Compliance Structure
Reporting & Setting up the dashboard
Proofing systems & processes basis
compliance audit -
Improvement by Introduction of IT and Funnel & Revenue Monitoring